Showreel Oil Paintings 2022|2023

“Infinitely Content” delves into the fascinating world of Portuguese urban artist Mafalda and painter (Just)Sasko. Together they explore the search for identity in the infinite vortex of algorithms. The exhibition invites us to take a semi-ironic journey through different facets of our online lives.
Leichtigkeit des Seins 2022
Yet it is serious faces that look at you from the canvas – serious, but without severity. And yet there is something playful in the nonchalance of the faces and the summery flair captured on each canvas.

Tapetenwechsel 2022
She has devoted herself to the subject of safety and the change of scenery. To this end, she studied color theories and color effects. She painted her tunnel-like room in Baker-Miller pink, which has been shown to reduce aggressive behavior in people and have a calming effect. Visitors inside drown in a pink sea, the anchor point a sad child’s face looking from the other end of the room to the exit.